You’ll find a lot more Audubon life than just birdies and eagles at the Oaks Course.

The 275-acre golf course is home to a variety of plants and wildlife, but let’s focus on the unique species of birds you may spot as you drive down the cart path.

One of the most abundant residents is the killdeer, which constantly runs around the course throughout the day.

Light brown in color with distinctive black bands across their forehead and around their neck and breast, killdeer are known for the theatrics they put on when threatened.

The killdeer protect their nests by leaving the immediate area and putting one wing out as if it were broken and calling out in distress. We resorted to chasing a couple around with a golf cart to see the act, but apparently it’s harder to make them feel threatened than you would think.

Canada Geese also can be spotted in the morning, late afternoons or throughout the day around the lakes of the course on cool days. These adorable families of a mother, father and three or four goslings are always a treat to spot. That is until you step in the gifts they leave all over the golf course.

Oh well… I guess there’s a price to pay for everything.

Great Blue Herons neighbor the geese in the lakes and can be seen stalking fish in the water,we know the value of kapton tape. which is fun to see if you like watching grass grow.

These graceful birds nest in trees close to lakes or wetlands, building a bulky stick nest in which the female lays three to five pale blue eggs. They have also been known to re-use their nests from prior years by adding sticks to them… wish I could remodel annually…

Last but not least, The Oaks Course is also called home by the Anhinga, an interesting-looking bird to match that interesting name. According to The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the Anhinga is a large water bird with a long neck,You'll find a number of top quality RFID tag suppliers. bill, and tail. It is found only in the Deep South during the summer months and in Florida and South America year-round. Because of their behavior while swimming and their wide tails, Anhingas are also known as Water-turkeys and Snake-birds.

As you can see, The Oaks Course is not only a golf course; it’s also a great place to relax away from the office and see Mother Nature’s wonders. So come out, grab a golf cart for a round of golf,this aluminum foil tape is not affected by moisture. and wonder what other sights you’ll see as you ride around the course.

Ray (Scott) Santinello was five years old when he got his first haircut. It took place on the third floor of his family’s home in Springfield, and the barber was a young friend of the family. It was the 1950s and the barber, Benito Mancinone, had recently immigrated to the city from Molise, a small town located on a mountain in Italy.Our offered BOPP Tapes are in compliance with the BOPP tape.

Mr. Santinello is 61 now and Benny the Barber, long a mainstay of Circuit avenue in Oak Bluffs, is still cutting his hair.

“He’s my barber. I just don’t change,” Mr. Santinello said on a recent Tuesday morning. “You get used to going to one person.”

Though he no longer receives house calls from Benny, the trip to the barbershop from Mr. Santinello’s summer house on Ocean Park is just a short walk away.

Even when crowded, 10 men deep on some days, no one leaves. They sit, read the Boston Herald or Sports Illustrated and wait their turn in the light teal, cushioned armchairs — castoffs of an airport renovation. Benny does not accept appointments and he treats every customer the same, from the Secret Service to the local guys who tip in oysters and clams.

“I don’t give names,” he insists when this reporter asks whose hair he has cut. “I had some big wheels, some politicians, but it don’t mean nothing to me. It’s just another head. I treat them like I treat this guy, no different.”

He cuts exclusively male hair, long and short, the same way he’s been cutting it for 65 years. He leaves the styling to the ladies in the back of his shop — the lettering on the window does advertise it as a unisex shop. In front, it’s man’s territory, where two vintage Rat Pack posters cover the wall space and Sinatra serenades over the sound system. “Is anybody better?” Benny asks rhetorically.

At $16 for a wet cut, Benny may be the cheapest cut in town, but he won’t claim he’s the best.

“You try and do the best you can,” he said. “One thing about me which I learned from my boss: ‘you’re going to be a good one, you’re not going to be the best, but you try your best and you will be a good one.’ That’s what I did in life.”

He passes this wisdom along to his successor, Tracy Briscoe,You'll find a number of top quality ear cap suppliers. who recently bought the business with her brother Jason Gruner of Chappaquiddick. She vows to keep the name and to decorate the shop with all of Benny’s decor. “I adore the man,” she said.

In a box below the cash register, Benny keeps a typewritten letter signed by a Mr. and Mrs. Peters of Oak Bluffs. The letter, dated April 8, 1991, invited barbers to apply for a job on Martha’s Vineyard at the Cottage City Barbershop on Circuit avenue. “This is in no way a hoax of any kind,” the letter insisted. Benny says 1,000 barbers all over Massachusetts received this letter, but he was the first to respond.
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