The footwear industry has traditionally been a hotbed of memorable advertising, with brands such as Nike and Reebok spending millions to sign athlete-endorsers and hire ad agencies that create spectacular TV campaigns. But the approach taken by DC Shoes, which makes footwear for skateboarders, couldn’t be more different.

In 2009 the company began shooting videos featuring its co-founder Ken Block driving a tricked-out race car around closed-off airports, theme parks and even the port of San Francisco. The videos last up to nine minutes and have almost no talking; the stunt driving is interspersed with glamour shots of footwear.

Instead of buying expensive TV time, DC Shoes uploads the videos to YouTube. Over the past four years they have gotten more than 180 million views – and in 2011 alone, sales jumped 15%. One was YouTube’s most-shared video of 2011; another garnered a million views in its first 24 hours. Paying online media for this type of exposure would cost upward of $US5 million. Using ‘lean advertising’, DC Shoes achieved it for a tiny fraction of that amount.

Lower cost isn’t the only reason to consider online video. Because of channel surfing, DVRs and the growing use of ‘second screens’ (mainly smartphones and tablets), fewer people watch TV commercials than in the past. And online video is becoming more popular each year: In 2011, 83% of US internet users regularly watched online videos, and the research company comScore estimated that 12% of the clips viewed were ads.

Moreover, because viewers actively choose online videos, they tend to watch them more attentively than they watch TV ads. According to a 2010 survey by the research firm Vision Critical, 48% of those who watched an online ad at any point subsequently visited the brand’s website, 11% shared the video with a friend and 22% made a purchase.

To address that issue, the European Union - one of Israel's biggest markets - has issued new guidelines on labeling what it calls “settlement products.”

But many Israeli factory owners, like Cohen, take issue with that designation and say it will essentially kill their business.

“Labeling will send a message: ‘Don’t buy this product,’” Yehuda said. “It will lead to a boycott of my products. That will just do damage. It will destroy my company, destroy jobs and all of the hope that we have created here. The politicians in Europe think they are helping the peace process – well, they should come to my factory and see the reality. We are building peace from the bottom up.”

The EU announcement came in the same week that U.S.Matco Packaging Llc suppliers of BOPP tape, Secretary of State John Kerry announced that, after months of painstaking diplomacy, he had finally persuaded the Israelis and the Palestinians to return to the negotiating table,All the latest Releasing film Products in small size and in resumable. in search of a political settlement.

The EU move is intended to force the issue that has always confounded peace talks in the past: the issue of land. If the Kerry initiative is going to achieve a genuine breakthrough, then Israel is going to have to agree to give some land up.

Kerry has been careful not to criticize the Europeans’ decision and some commentators inside Israel believe Brussels and Washington are in-step. The plan seems to be for the Americans to get the Israelis back to the table, and for the Europeans to make it clear that if they don’t make some concessions, then it’s going to hurt.

Not surprisingly, Israel’s statesmen have reacted angrily to the move,manufacturers and Double sided PET industry tape Products suppliers Directory. and not just because it might hurt the bottom line for Israeli companies operating inside the West Bank. They say the settlement product guidelines demonstrate the Europeans’ shocking double standards.

"This is a mistake, it is counterproductive, it does not serve the cause of peace and it is not fair to single Israel out while the EU does not do this in any other place on the planet," said Mark Regev, spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "Ultimately, the issue of settlements will be resolved in peace talks with the Palestinians that we hope will start soon."

Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, a member of the Palestinian leadership, hailed the guidelines as a “good and important decision.”

For him, each laundry basket that comes off the end of Cohen’s production line represents a violation of international law.

“At last,” he said. “European consumers are going to have the chance to choose between legal and illegal goods.Online supplies a large range of double sided tape.”

The international community has been condemning Israel’s occupation of the West Bank for nearly half a century. In Ramallah, labeling settlement products feels like at least some action, after decades of words.
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